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The Final Round – Status - In Production

Synopsis: Boxing Documentary about the founder of the International Boxing Federation and the scandal with Boxing in the early 2000's involving Don King that changed the face of the sport forever.

Watch Trailer:

TREES - Status - Proof of Concept Filmed in 2019 in Lithuania.  Now running in the festival circuit and performing well.  Shopping for an episodic television series deal.  20 episodes scripted and ready to go to the right network.  Contact Us for information on distribution and co-production opportunities.  

Invisible Warriors  - Status - COMPLETED (Not distributed anywhere, no festival run)

Synopsis: African American Women during World War II.  Invisible Warriors, much like the award-winning film Hidden Figures, provides a much needed, untold story about the contributions of African American women to our nation’s history.


Watch  Complete Documentary:​ ​Password: invisible

DreamEmpire Films Animated Introduction

Choc'late Soldiers –  Status - COMPLETED

(Choc'late Soldiers is the Working Title, being retitled in the coming weeks)Not distributed anywhere, no festival run)

Synopsis: CHOC'LATE SOLDIERS FROM THE USA, directed by Emmy award-winning director Noel Izon and co-produced by author Gregory Cooke, tells the story of 140,000 Black American soldiers and thousands of British civilians who cross a racial divide to forge an unexpected bond. While serving in a segregated military, Black men and women do much of the U.S. Army's "heavy lifting" by day, and introduce the British population to jazz, jitterbugging, and Black American culture by night. For the first time, Black American soldiers experience what it is like to be treated as equals and as Americans.  CHOC'LATE SOLDIERS FROM THE USA is a feature-length documentary celebrating Black American military contributions during World War II. More than just a wartime military story, this landmark film illuminates how two culturally and racially different groups of people came to find their common humanity, leaving both richer for the experience.


Watch  Full Documentary Screener:  Password: Chocolate

Haunted Trail - Co Pro with Fly High Media, licensed first to BET, BET+ and BET HER.  Wraparound rights still available.  

The Bridge (Rough Cut - Proof of Concept) Episodic TV Series Episode 1- Lipstick.  One season written and ready to sale.  Faith-Based Series.  

F**K 2020 Documentary

Rough Cut Available

Full version will be complete Fall of 2022




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